A - Amusement Park Ride (Rollercoasters, Ferris Wheels, Fun rides but excludes bridge-based bungee platforms)
B1 - Building (Under Construction) B2 - Building (Residential & occupied) B3 - Bridge
C - Chimney (aka Smokestack)
D - Dam
E - Electricity Pylon / Power Tower (tower carrying high voltage power lines)
F - Fortification (includes any ancient Castle Walls, Citadel walls or Watch Towers, Forts, Fortresses, Follies, Military gun emplacement bunkers)
G - Gas Tower
H1 - Hotel (Open for Business and occupied) H2 - High Street / Highway Jump. (any jump which requires landing on an ordinarily busy road or street and which requires jumping with ground crew to stop traffic or jumped with precision timing to avoid traffic.
I - Inside jump. Any jump performed into a completely enclosed area (with roof) ensuring protection form external winds and which can be secured by keys. (i.e. Cathedral, Arena/Stadium with roof, Hangar)
J - Jailhouse jump. (A jump undertaken with security/police already alerted and waiting in the suspected landing area. Whether you were caught or not is another matter.) J (alternative) - Jock Jump. From a stadium/arena into a sporting venue.
K - Kinetic Jump - any jump where the exit point is moving relative to the landing area, including conveying apparatus or vehicles (Moving cable car, truck on a bridge, ski-lift, rotating Ferris wheels) But must still be a fixed object jump (ie not a skydive with base gear)
L - Lifting Apparatus (Tower Cranes, Dock Cranes, Elevators or similar)
M - Monument or Statue. (Any Jump from a Memorial erected to commemorate a person, place or significant event)
N - Natural (Any jumps from a natural structure: Cliffs, needles, natural arches)
O - Observation deck or Viewing Platform (Any jump from a man-made structure built at elevation for the purpose of providing panoramic views to the general public.) O (alternative) Oil rigs, or Oil platforms.
P1 - Pretext jump. Any jump which has been achieved after manipulating someone into allowing you access to an exit point/object which they would not have, had they known your true intention. P2 - PCA (pilot chute assist: Any jump which has required the manual extraction of the canopy by another person, Includes Direct bag jump).
Q - Quasimodo Jump. (from any Cathedral / Church / Mosque or other religious building)
R - Radio Transmitter (With Guy Wires) R2 - Radio Transmitter (Freestanding)
S1 - Suicide barrier jump. (Any publicly accessible exit point which requires the scaling of fencing erected specifically to prevent suicides. These are above and beyond hand rails. S2 - Static line jump (Any Jump requiring the use of break cord or tape to assist deployment.) S3 - Slider Up jump (Any Jump with the slider packed up)
T - Tree (where the jumper's feet exit from a living tree. Can be on the edge of a cliff) T (alternative1) Trebuchet - catapulted or slingshot to deployment height T (alternative 2) Trapeze - using a rope swing to exit from.
U - Underground jump (Any jump into a cave, quarry or hole which is below ground level, has limited visibility, limited space for canopy flight and where the landing area is generally inaccessible without specialised equipment.
V - Vampire jump. Any BASE jump using a winged suit (includes prodigy but excludes tracking suits without wings)
W1 - Windmill or Wind turbine
W2 Window Jump (any jump requiring a direct exit from an opening window).
X - A jump from a Hospital (X-ray) or incinerator stack attached to a hospital
Y - YOU and only you. Solo jump: no witnesses, no ground crew, no jump buddies.
Z - axis jump. Any jump with an intentional aerial manoeuvre. (Gainer, front loop, barrel roll etc)